🖇️General Config
General Config - config.lua
Config = {}
__ __ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _______ _____
| \/ | __ \ / ____| / ____| | __ \ |_ _| | __ \ |__ __| / ____|
| \ / | |__) | | (___ | | | |__) | | | | |__) | | | | (___
| |\/| ___ / \___ \ | | | _ / | | | ___/ | | \___ \
| | | | ____) | | |____ | | \ \ _| |_ | | | | ____) |
|_| |_| |_____/ \_____| |_| \_\ |_____| |_| |_| |_____/
Config.Framework = "esx" -- "esx"
Config.ImagePath = "nui://ox_inventory/web/images/" -- If you want to use your own images change this to "./images/items/"
Config.Target = "ox_target" -- Name of your target
Config.Locale = "en"
Config.Account = "money" -- What they need for ordering an item: ex: "cash", "bank" or "black_money"
Config.DeliveryTimeNotifyTime = 0 -- 60 * 1000 * 0.5 -- The time when you get notified when ship is coming
Config.Delay = 10.0 -- delay between deliveries in the port (in ms)
Config.NumberOfExplotions = 3
Config.TimeC4 = 30 * 1000 -- in ms
Config.ExplosionRange = 30.0
Config.Locations = {
[1] = {
name = "El Bosio",
ped = "a_m_m_og_boss_01",
loc = {
x = 1955.287964,
y = 5067.072754,
z = 40.276978,
heading = 45.0,
cooldown = 20000, -- Time in ms after that NPC will be able to make deals again
orders = 1, -- How many sales can NPC
offset = vector3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
Config.Items = {
[1] = {
type = "drugs", -- Item category (Catgoery from Config.ObjectTypes)
name = "drug_blue", -- Item name
label = "Drug Blue", -- Item Display name
maxAmount = 25,
locations = { -- Ports where it could be delivered (Names from Config.Ports)
stock = 25, -- Item stock per NPC,
tax = 28, -- For every item
price = 200.0, -- For one item
Config.Ports = { -- Recommended distance between ports 500+
[ "paleto" ] = {
location = {
x = -807.969238, y = 6319.872559, z = 1.022705,
pointInSea = { -- Point from that the ships comes
x = -1314.131836, y = 6071.222168, z = -2.718628
-- PED Settings |
Config.Scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING"
Config.RenderDistance = 20.0
Config.ShowLocationBeforeOrder = true -- If true it will show delivery location in map
-- SHIP | Everything is configurated for tug
Config.ShipModel = "tug"
Config.Driver = "a_m_y_vinewood_01" -- model
Config.Ladder = "sc1_13_strip_ldr001"
Config.ObjectTypes = {
drugs = "sm_prop_smug_crate_m_narc",
weapon = "xm_prop_crates_weapon_mix_01a",
jewelry = "ex_prop_crate_jewels_sc"
Config.Guards = {
Config.Weapons = {
Config.PedAimAccuracy = 70.0
Last updated